Friday, March 12, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

We will respect eachother A natural consequence of this would be that respect is not shown and two or more students will have conflict in the classroom. When one is threatened it is only natural to fight back. This will ultimately break down the sense of community that I am trying to build as a classroom.

We will always give 100% The focus in my classroom will be not on the grade, but that every student reacher their full potential. A logical consequence of this would be that if each student gave 100%, then everyone would pass with a lot of A's and B's being earned.

We will be positive Life happens, some concepts are frustrating, and some people are annoying. However, as a class we will acknoledge this and make the decision to live in the positive. A natural consequence of this is that students will absorb more of the content and increase their social interactions because they are not consumed with negative thoughts.

We will listen when the teacher is talking Nobody likes to hear the teacher talk too much. So to keep this short, the students will all listen while he/she is talking. This way he/she won't have to repeat themselves and make the lecture longer. A logical consequence of this is that as each student pays attention, they will grasp more of the content, and thus be more effective in group work.

We will actively participate in groups Groups are only effective and successful when everyone in the group is sharing their ideas - right, wrong, or just confusing. This leads the whole group to a deeper understanding of the issue/problem. A natural consequence of this is that the students will form better relationships with eachother because they have more social interaction. A logical consequence of this would be that students will be more engaged because they are participating and not just listening.


  1. Great job with these. I liked the "be positive" one and am glad you pointed it out. I think students need help with that one especially when sitting in classes all day!

  2. I like that you recognize the fact students do not want to hear the teacher talk too much. I wonder how you will measure or enforce the part about "always giving a hundred percent." I think what is go is that you are turning it on its positive spin.

  3. Students should always give 100%. I wish this expectation could always be met by all the student. Its a great goal, I just wonder how realistic it is.
